Bits and Bobs: EMF Half Marathon, ASFAR, Matt Pryor, Allison Weiss, Dogs playing Cards and more

Hi everyone! Here are a few odds and sods that have been gathering over the last couple of weeks…

  • It’s just under a week now to the Edinburgh Half Marathon, which you all know I’m running for the mental health charity Mind, right? I’m currently going through all your song suggestions for my Half Marathon playlist – there’s more than 70 RUDDY SONGS here – aren’t you lot splendid? I should be posting about the final shortlist in the next couple of days.


  • Meanwhile, there’s still time to donate to the main fundraising over on my Just Giving page. After Mental Health Awareness Week last week, the target is so close! If you can spare a donation, please head to


  • The final print issue of A Short Fanzine About Rocking came out over the weekend. If memory serves, I’ve got a column in there, plus reviews of Matt Pryor and Allison Weiss, and Tissue Culture at Escape Velocity #3. ASFAR’s Final Issue is going for £2 a pop. To pick it up online, head to


  • I’m going to do a proper post on this in the next few weeks as dates are announced, but, gosh, that photo By Toutatis are using for their promo stuff right now looks awfully familiar


  • There’s a lovely review of the LA FEMME anthology (feat. The Honey Trap by me) over on Amazing Stories magazine, alongside one on its partner NOIR.



  • Finally, last week the blog hit its one month anniversary, coming in at just under 1,000 page views for that period. Thanks ever so much to all of you for taking the time to stop by. I am now embracing you all, rather awkwardly, with a rose in my teeth, but please understand the love is real.

I think that’s it for now. I’ll leave you with an outtake from a set of photos I hope you’ll be seeing more of soon. See you later!

M. G. Boulter
M. G. Boulter