BSFA Awards: Best Short Story Nomination for ‘The Honey Trap’

I’m delighted to announce that one of my stories has made the shortlist for this year’s British Science Fiction Association Awards. ‘The Honey Trap’, from NewCon Press anthology La Femme, has been nominated for Best Short Story.
The final results of the BSFA member vote will be announced at this year’s Eastercon (aka Dysprosium), to be held over the Easter weekend at the Park Inn Hotel in Heathrow. All BSFA members will get a chance to read ‘The Honey Trap’, along with the other nominated short stories, as part of the annual award booklet. In the meantime, you can read a wee snippet of the story on the Fiction page of this site.
Huge congratulations also to my fellow nominees! It’s a really strong showing this year. Regardless of the result, I’ll be at Eastercon 2015, celebrating my first ever award nomination. If you’re going, I’ll look forward to seeing you there!