Fantasycon 2015: Where you can find me… *UPDATED*

Now that all that half-marathon business is out the way with, on with the next thing. And the next thing is this:

Fantasycon 2015

This weekend, I’ll be at Fantasycon 2015, which takes place over Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October at East Midlands Conference Centre and Orchard Hotel, Nottingham (UK). Officially, I’ll be at two events — one panel and one reading. The full schedule can be found at this link — but here’s what I’ll be up to:

Friday 23rd October

6:00pm – Protag / Antag: Character Creation (Conference Theatre)
Moderator: Caroline Hooton. Panelists: Ruth Booth, John Connolly, KT Davies, Peter Newman, James Oswald

Come us for a chat about what makes for characters we truly want to stick with and root for in stories. With not only Guest of Honour John Connolly on the panel, but a bunch of authors who’ve written about the perspective of limited pattern AI, half-human half-lizards, dragons, and possible the most lauded goat in genre, this promises to be a well good chat

Saturday 24th October

9:15pm – Readings: Ruth Booth
No room for this yet, but I’ll be on after Foz Meadows – so, why not pop in for the full half hour as a mid-disco break?

UPDATE: I’ve had the go ahead to read my poem from the upcoming Winter Tales anthology from Fox Spirit. Plus I’ll be reading from a brand new piece… So why not pop along for a sneak preview?

So that’s where you can find me. If I’m not there, try the bar – or maybe the Abaddon/Solaris Karaoke on Friday night? Come say hi and get me a belated birthday drink!