I ran a half-marathon on Sunday. And I have you to thank for it.
There I was, waiting in the Pink Wave, watching those in front crossing the starting line, and wondering why so many of them were just walking across it, instead of running, and getting on their way. Then I looked ahead, up St Vincent Street. Way, way up…
So thank goodness for you lot.
Thank goodness for wonderful friends who turned out to wish me well — for suprising me along the route when I least expected it, and most needed it — for high fives and bananas and your good selves. Thank goodness for Nick and Jordan, two Partick Thistle fans, who we met out celebrating getting off the bottom of the table, who loaned me a scarf for good luck. Thank goodness for the valiant #TeamMacmillan Cheer Squad who were waiting at the bottom of that hill, and later along the route, for their massive support on the day. Thank goodness for those of you who left me such lovely messages on the Great Wall of Support right near the finish line — so many I barely had time to read them all before the screen flashed over. I wish you could have seen the smile on my face. And thank goodness for everyone who turned out to cheer us on along the route, whoever you were there for. I think I got more high fives in two hours than I’ve had all year.
And thank goodness for YOU, all of you lot, for your donations, and song suggestions, and all your support in the lead up to this. Because without all of you, I’d have never even made it across that finish line, let alone knocked nearly 30 seconds off my official time for last year (Coming in at 2 hours, 18 minutes and 49 seconds — and 7500th across the line. It’s nice to be a round number.).

But more than that. Thank goodness for your generosity of spirit. Because with your kind donations since we started fundraising, plus the ones from the playlist, the current post-run total now stands at…
£688 raised for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Thank you so, so much everyone for your kindness in supporting this cause. This is an astonishing amount. It will mean so much to the folks at Macmillan — and more importantly to all those who’ll benefitted from their great work, as much as Carol and Alan did. Thank you to the organizers of the Great Scottish Run for giving us the opportunity to raise so much money for a worthy cause, and for truly making us earn it.
Justgiving won’t be closing my page for a few weeks, so if you would like to make a donation, you can at the link below.
In the meantime, I’m lost for words. You are truly amazing. Thank you.
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