Ruth Runs: GSR 2015 – The Final Playlist *UPDATED*


It’s nearly here! Just two more days until the Great Scottish Run kicks off in Glasgow, where I’ll be running in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. I’ve got my shirt, I’ve got my race number, and my wave. All that’s left is to actually do the thing.

Well, that and two more things…

Tonight's job
Tonight’s job

Firstly, an update on the fundraising. Currently, the total stands at… drumroll please… £620.00! You guys are so kind – this will make such a difference to Macmillan! I hope I can match up to your generosity on the day. However, if you’ve not made a donation yet — and you’d like to — here’s the link again:

Secondly, I’ve been asking people for their suggestions for my half-marathon playlist — the tunes I’ll be listening to as I go round. All the votes are in, and I’ve been listening to your suggestions over the last week or so. Here’s what I’ve settled on.

Garbage – Hammering In My Head (suggested by James Bennett)

Sterling suggestion from James while on his worldwide research tour this year. Taken from Garbage’s brilliant Version 2.0 album.

Imelda May – Roadrunner (suggested by Rob Adams)

Ms May’s second spot on my playlist for this year.

Survivor – Eye of the Tiger (suggested by Chloe)

How could I have done an entire half-marathon last year and not had this on my list? Well, it’s going on now.

The Offspring – The Kids Aren’t Alright (suggested by Jon)

Great video, great tune – it’s going on.

A – Old Folks (suggested by Jon)

A’s second album Monkey Kong is another all-time favourite of mine, from the worldwide ambassadors for sun visor cool. And this is a cracking tune to run to.

Taylor Swift – Shake It Off (suggested by Jon)

I have a confession to make. This is not the only time this appears on the list — I already had Isosine’s mashup of this with Nine Inch Nails track ‘The Perfect Drug’, which I highly recommend picking up (FYI NIN songs make for amazing mash-ups). However, Jon’s inclusion of this on his own running playlist convinced me it was worth sticking on again.

Once again, massive thanks to everyone who suggested tracks for my playlist. I’ll be totting up the suggestions and adding that to the final total over the weekend.

So with that, here’s what I’ll be running round Glasgow to on Sunday:

A cracking two hours of tunes, I’m sure you’ll agree. In the meantime, I’ll catch you on the other side of the line — and be sure to give your TV a little wave if you spot me on BBC 2’s live coverage on Sunday. I’ll be watching for you…

Bit late to back out now, eh
Bit late to back out now, eh

Update: I’ve just found out there’s a Great Wall of Support for the Great Scottish Run! If you fancy leaving me a message during the race, here’s the link you need.