Flotation Device and Laura Lam’s Goldilocks

Story news from me this week as the Glasgow SF Writers’ Circle launch their Flotation Device, a new charity anthology, plus some disappointing news about an upcoming event.

Hello everyone. I hope you’re all muddling through with the current embuggerances. If you’re looking to do a little good in the world and enjoying some fine writing while you’re at it, here are some things you can do, courtesy of Glasgow SF Writers’ Circle and Laura Lam.

Firstly, as you may be aware, Waterstones have closed their physical branches this week in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, and understandably, this affects the Glasgow launch of Laura Lam’s fantastic new novel Goldilocks, which I was going to be hosting at Waterstones Argyle Street on 5th May. Goldilocks tells the story of a crew of women astronauts looking for a new planet to host the people of a dying Earth, and I’m really looking forward to getting stuck in to it.

However, if that’s piqued your interest, and you’d like to hear more about Goldilocks in a socially-responsible setting, there is good news: The Drax Files Radio Hour is hosting a virtual launch party on Friday 17th April click here for details.

The release of Goldilocks is still on course for 30th April, which means there’s still time to get those pre-orders in for this beautiful specimen.

Laura Lam's Goldilocks UK cover - a woman in shadow walking in the twilight next to a body of water. Caption reads: Our Future is in Her Hands.

In the meantime, the Glasgow SF Writers’ Circle have just released a brand-new charity e-anthology, Flotation Device. Edited by E.M. Faulds, Flotation Device features 20 stories from the likes of Hal Duncan, Cameron Johnston, Brian M. Milton, Heather Valentine, Shona Kinsella and Neil Williamson, with beautiful cover art by Jenni Coutts. Proceeds from Flotation Device will go to three charities: Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), The Trussell Trust UK Foodbanks, and Simon Community Scotland, which works to alleviate homelessness in Scotland.

Flotation Device also contains my story ‘The Anniversary’, first released in 2017 in Issue #61 of Black Static. This will be your first chance to get hold of an electronic copy of the story, which was not only shortlisted for the British Fantasy Award for Best Short Story, but also received an Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow’s Year’s Best Horror Vol. 10.

Flotation Device is only available online from www.flotationdevicebook.co.uk, so do check it out and help support these vital charities who are doing so much to support us at this difficult time.

The cover of Flotation Device by Jenni Coutts: A bird patterned with flowers and scales, and a koi carp both circle the title. Text reads: "Flotation Device: A Charity Anthology from the Glasgow SF Writers' Circle. Hal Duncan, Neil Williamson, Cameron Johnston, Ruth EJ Booth and many more".