Drowned In Sound, British Fantasy Awards and Satellite 5
It’s occurred to me that there were a couple of things missing off the blog from the other week. So now the smoke’s cleared a bit from Satellite 5, here’s a little…
Shoreline of Infinity, Satellite 5, and the Glasgow SF Writers Circle
Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to my attention there are things you should be aware of. Brace yourselves… ONE! Shoreline of Infinity’s Issue 4 line-up is online now, and it’s a…
Eastercon 2016: Mancunicon Schedule and the James White Award
Going to Mancunicon (the 2016 BSFA Eastercon)? The full programme (and app) is now online – and it’s a cracker. With panels on SF Music, coping with Anxiety, Short Stories, Place and…
‘The Love of a Season’ in Winter Tales
Out this week from Fox Spirit is Winter Tales, a collection of seasonal stories and poetry edited by Margrét Helgadóttir. Amongst tales from Jan Edwards, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Eliza Chan, and James Bennett,…
The Week of All The Stuff
I mentioned last week that 2016 was going to be somewhat busier on the story front than last year. What I didn’t mention was how early all of this would be starting.…
2015 in Fiction (and other things…)
It’s almost over. The turkey’s been stuffed, and stuffed again. The three wise men are still treadmilling their way across the mantlepiece, in the hopes of reaching the Advent Candle by New…
2015 in Photos
If you’ve been following my photography posts (search “photo” in the box at the top), you’ll know I’ve been a fairly industrious sort of a bee in 2015. I’ve shot a number…
Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister 1945 – 2015
By now, you’ll have heard of the untimely passing of Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister, frontman and bassist of the legendary Motörhead. At this time of grief and heartburning memory, the band are asking…
Muses of Fire – Notes from a small experiment
While tidying up my desktop before New Year, I found some notes from a little experiment I did over the Summer. Over a week, I tried a bunch of records I hadn’t…
New Photos: Maximo Park on Drowned In Sound
This month’s excuse to sweat for Drowned In Sound came in the form of Maximo Park, as they celebrated the 10th anniversary of seminal debut album, A Certain Trigger. Yep, another nostalgia…