Sara Wasson
*UPDATED* Reading Party, Oliver Langmead’s Metronome, and GIFCON
Blimey, February already. Here are three bits of news for you, in chronological order: Firstly, I’ll be reading in Glasgow this Monday 6th February, as part of the University of Glasgow’s MLitt…
2016 Roundup
I hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful and restful holiday at the moment, and looking forward to a better year ahead. With this being the time of year for reflection, here’s a rundown of what…
Shoreline of Infinity 6
With all this end of year nonsense, I’d clean forgotten to post about my latest column for Shoreline of Infinity. S0 here’s a belated bump for it. This one is called ‘Noise…
Becky Chambers interview and Thirty Years of Rain launch
Here’s a quick blog about a couple of upcoming events you might be interested in, if you’re in the Glasgow area… TODAY! I’ll be interviewing Becky Chambers at the launch of her…
Ruth Runs: The Great Scottish Run 2 – Run Harder
I’d been wondering why everyone was taking so long. As the crowd moved, the full length of St Vincent Street appeared ahead, from the tickertape starting line to, at its far end,…
Thirty Years of Rain
During the near two years I tried and failed to move to Glasgow, two things anchored me to my goal: firstly, my good friends who live and work in the city. Secondly,…
Fantasycon By T’ Sea and the British Fantasy Awards
This weekend sees the latest installment of the British Fantasy Society’s Fantasycon, Fantasycon By The Sea (or Fantasycon-by-t’-Sea, in Yorkshire fashion), in sunny Scarborough. And I’ll be there too! When I’m not…
September Shenanigans: Event Horizon, Fantasycon, Thirty Years of Rain and more.
I’ve got a bit of news. Well, quite a lot of news, actually. Earlier this year, I put in an application to the University of Glasgow’s MLitt programme in Fantasy — and…
The Evil Genius Guide, Thirty Years of Rain, and Shoreline of Infinity
Ever wondered what it takes to be an Evil Genius? Now’s your chance to find out. The Evil Genius Guide is the latest in Fox Spirit‘s Fox Pockets series, and I’m delighted…