Sara Wasson
The Anniversary in Black Static, From Glasgow to Saturn, and A Night at the Museum: Fantasy Scotland
I’m sure the only reason this looks like so many things is because it’s in a title list… right? First things first, then. My horrific new flash fiction story, ‘The Anniversary’, appears…
Event Horizon with Laura Lam
Here’s a heads up for those of you who can get to Edinburgh next month. I’ll be chatting with Laura Lam about her brilliant new novel Shattered Minds at the next Event…
Worldcon 75 Schedule
The Worldcon programme is now available through the official website, at Here’s a run down of where you can find me over the weekend. Thursday 12pm-1pm ‘The Sandman’ [Messukeskus 206] Meg…
The Legend of the Kick-Arse Wise Women, Worldcon 75, and the BFS Awards
Here’s a quick update on things academic and fictional. Firstly, my latest Shoreline of Infinity column is out now! In ‘The Legend of the Kick-arse Wise Women’, I unpack some of the…
Stag & Dagger 2017: The Best Bits
Before I moved, I made a mental checklist of the places and events I wanted to see and go to when I got to Glasgow. Near the top of that list was…
The Art of Empathy: New column in Shoreline of Infinity 7
Yesterday was the Spring Equinox, so that means both a new issue of Shoreline of Infinity and a new installment of my column, Noise and Sparks. This one arrives during interesting times,…
*UPDATED* Reading Party, Oliver Langmead’s Metronome, and GIFCON
Blimey, February already. Here are three bits of news for you, in chronological order: Firstly, I’ll be reading in Glasgow this Monday 6th February, as part of the University of Glasgow’s MLitt…
2016 Roundup
I hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful and restful holiday at the moment, and looking forward to a better year ahead. With this being the time of year for reflection, here’s a rundown of what…